Pretty broaches made by Pun!

I’m crazy busy this week, and I’m just leaving for a birthday celebration for my mom.  (Happy Birthday, MOM!)  So, I’m sorry but today’s post will be brief.  I’ll have loads more to say later on, I’m sure.

In the meantime, check out these lovely little broaches!  Aren’t they just delightful?  Not too ostentatious, just enough elements to be visually quite fascinating, clever asymmetry, I approve!  And I want one, lol.


Check out my friend Pun’s Etsy for ordering details.  We just met at Clockwork Alchemy, in California, and hit if off right away.  But when she said “oh, yeah, I’m making some broaches…” I didn’t realize they would turn out to be this lovely!  I suppose, I should have.  Sorry, Pun!

Join me now and support the little guy!  …or, girl, in this case.  Check out her Etsy, and share her art.

Picture Day: Mark Page

Today, I’m sharing the delightfully whimsical work of Mark Page.  Click any image to find out how to purchase a print!

Aren’t these lovely?  Check out Mark Page’s blog for more info on his work.

Are you an artist/photographer/sculptor who loves Steampunk as much as I do?   Would you like to see your work featured on this blog?  Or, do you know of someone else who’s work you adore?  Please leave a comment on this post with a link or two!   I’ll happily feature anything that I think will fit the style of my blog.  And even if I don’t feature it, please please leave your info in a comment anyway!  More art is always better than less.

For the hipster Steampunk…

So, I got creative today and decided to start a movement…


This is the first draft of this image.  What do you think?  Did I miss any vital elements?  How do you like my font choices?  Is the balance all right?  Do you think it should say “before I knew it was a genre” instead, of can we just enjoy the self-righteousness?  Do you think I should I print some Tshirts?  I got the idea, talking with my Mom about our shared love of the genre.  She can claim to be a fan from well before the first appearances of the word “Steampunk” even appeared, but since I was born in the 80s, I can’t.  Even so, I’m always saying that I was a Steampunk way before I knew that was even a thing.  Here’s just a few examples of my world before I knew what the word “Steampunk” meant.

My favorite cartoon as a kid was TaleSpin: not Victorian, but filled with airship pirates.  My favorite movie has always been, and will always be, Fritz Lang’s Metropolis (do yourself a favor and watch the Giorgio Moroder soundtrack version): Steam-powered dystopian paradise with a robot chick.  My favorite TV show was Brisco County Jr: basically a B-version of Aliens Vs Cowboys, with Bruce Campbell.  In my teens, I loved the Myst games so much that I learned how to write whole letters in the in-game language “Shorah!” and had a vast collection of ink-dip pens and parchment: heavens, what ISN’T Steampunk about those games?  And, just a few years before someone told me what Steampunk actually was, Firefly captured my heart: You can’t take the sky from me…

Talking with other fans of the genre, I hear similar stories frequently.   What about you?  Did you find that all of your favorite things were always Steamy, and you just had to be told the name of your life-long obsession?  Were you there well before us all, reading Verne and dreaming in steam?  Let me know in a comment.  I’d love to know.

In the meantime, why not enjoy a little well-deserved hipstery indignation?   Tug your woolly scarf tighter in the summer breeze, slip on a pair of chunky retro lens-less specks, and repeat after me with self-important pride: “I liked Steampunk before it was cool…”  Doesn’t the just feel delightful?  I love it.

Picture Day: Bjorn Hurri’s Steampunk Star Wars.

There’s a lot of Steampunk Star Wars images and sculptures out there.  I’ve seen some fun cosplay too.  Today I’m going to treat you to my favorite version, with the art of Bjorn Hurri.  Click any image for enlargements and source pages.




What’s your favorite version of Steampunk Star Wars?  Drop a link or an image (site the artist if you can, please) down in the comments!

And may the steam be with you.